Kent Eaton, PhD

PhD University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary
Diploma. Estudios Hispánicos, Universidad de Barcelona
B.A. Texas Christian University

Welcome to Pacific!

As President of Pacific Theological Seminary, I am delighted that you are visiting our website today. As we welcome you, please know that we would love to answer any questions you might have. Thank you for taking a few moments to get to know us.

Pacific heartily welcomes all women and men wanting to prepare for lay or ordained ministry through rigorous and biblically-sound theological education. We work together from a variety of Christian traditions, as well as diverse backgrounds and experiences. Our faculty include world-class scholars who have decades of teaching, research, and writing in their respective disciplines. We also have highly seasoned ministry practitioners with advanced academic credentials, committed to preparing you for traditional and emerging forms of ministry.

“Today’s world needs those who are called by God to love mercy, enact justice, and walk humbly with their Creator.”

At Pacific, we firmly believe that the seminary experience is all about the formation of the whole person - heart, mind, and soul. Our faculty know that developing a dynamic, growing relationship with Jesus, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, is caught as well as taught. So for us, education is a relational endeavor. We journey with you as mentors so that, as a team of faculty, student peers and you, we learn how to build lasting spiritual habits and practices.

Pacific Theological Seminary defines itself as a partner of the local church in developing those whom the church acknowledges as gifted and called by God for service. Because of this, the seminary looks to the church and its leaders to help design our educational programs. We remain relevant to current world needs and evolving contexts.

Today’s world needs those who are called by God to love mercy, enact justice, and walk humbly with their Creator. We are so bold as to pray and expect that the world will be a more whole and just place as God works in and through our graduates to accomplish his will.

Your fellow follower of Christ,
Kent Eaton, PhD