
High Quality Theological Education

Our professors have 30+ years of experience in teaching, writing and research. They are world‐ renowned scholars, highly respected in their fields, who teach critical thinking skills that foster vibrant Christian faith in a constantly changing world. Our professors are actively involved in ministry, serving in churches and ministry agencies in the U.S. and around the world. Our team includes a variety of practitioner‐scholars who are on the front lines of Christian ministry, bringing life experience and practical application to the classroom.

Face-to-Face Personal Instruction and Mentoring

We value face‐to‐face education. Our professors are first and foremost mentors for ministry. We believe in education that is personally, spiritually, and socially transformational, developing whole and holy persons for the kingdom of God. We intend to continue the legacy of Bethel Seminary San Diego that has produced almost 1000 graduates involved in ministry locally and globally.

Diverse and Multi-Cultural Community

We stand united around the authority and inspiration of Scripture and the historical traditions of the Christian faith. Within this unity, we celebrate the diversity of the Body of Christ, both ethnically and denominationally. Our faculty, staff and students come from a wide range of Christian traditions. We value, honor and respect this diversity.

Affordable Theological Education

Theological schools are pricing themselves out of business, and students often emerge from their training with large and unmanageable debts. Our goal is to establish an affordable theological education. We intend to accomplish this through the use of volunteers, experienced professors, endowed scholarships, church partnerships, shared facilities and other creative means.